Dreaming of.......

Dreaming of.......
my room with a view at YH Plakias

Monday, May 31, 2010

Journeys, like artists, are born and not made. A thousand differing circumstances contribute to them, few of them willed or determined by the will-whatever we may think.

My journey started off very interesting. Sunday, the day of my departure, Sphinx my feral cat freaked out and after climbing the curtains, he blew out the screen window and jumped off the roof. I thought he was never to be seen again but he knew what a good life he had and after 5 hours I caught him and packed up 4 cats and my belongings for a month and headed North to my sisters.

On the day of my departure I received a phone call that my house is basically condemned, Interesting that the structure built in 1894 is fine but the 15 year old addition is rotted down to the joyces. The pictures look like a 200 year old barn. There was some interesting artifacts found in the walls........Old Milwaukee Beer Cans and Bartles and James Bottles. The money pit continues.....

Then good ole Useless Air and Philadelphia Airport did not disappoint! After 3 hours in the plane ( air cargo was too warm), we deplaned and walked across the entire airport. We waited in line for over an hour then were directed back to the original plane so back we go. This went on several times until they picked a gate but the crew had timed out. I arrived in Athens 5 1/2 hours late and had to buy a new Aegean Airline Ticket.

I have arrived in Paradise and so there are beautiful stories and pictures to follow.