Dreaming of.......

Dreaming of.......
my room with a view at YH Plakias

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

Samaria Gorge

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Monastery of the Preveli stands in splendid isolation above the Libyan Sea. There are 2 building complexes, beautiful flowers and the estate has Peacocks, Goats, Deer and of course cats.

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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Samaria Gorge

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks. ~John Muir

What an experience to remember! The Samaria Gorge is the longest in Europe at 19 KM ( almost 12 miles) and is carved out by the river. It starts with a steep wooden staircase ( signs warning you not to wear high heals) and then you descend the Gorge - 8 hours! The rocks were often our stepping stones. The Gorge is wide and open until you reach the abandoned village of Samaria. It is from 150 Meters ( 493 feet) to 3 Meters wide ( 10 feet) After the village, the gorge becomes narrow and very dramatic with Vertical Walls reaching 500 M ( 1700 feet)
We did not see any Kri-Kri ( wild goats that only survive in Crete)but we saw some goats, rams, birds, mules and Mother Nature at her best. We finally ended in Agia Roumeli, took a ferry to Hora Sfakion, via Loutra ( accessible only by ferry) and then a 2 hour bus ride back to Chania. From there I drove back to Plakias, which was very scary in the pitch dark with crazy Greek Drivers passing on the mountain roads.

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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Gramvousa Beach

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More of the drive and the walk down to Gramvousa Beach

Dara and Kirby.........................................................................

Ameigh and Dara......hot day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kirby and Ameigh.........................................................................
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Friday, June 11, 2010

Gramvousa Pennisula

Gramvousa is one of the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen. We drove 3 hours and then the wide road ( for Greece) degenerated to a goat path with a several 100 feet drop. It was only wide enough for one car and a Crete Crete, a goat that is only on Crete!! One of the craziest part of the adventure was the gas tank hit empty 2/3 of the way to the beach and we coasted in neutural. Aside from the bumpy, rocky hazardous road the hike down was breath taking. You could walk across the water in parts and float in the salt marsh.

The remote pennisula was one of the highlights of this trip although the hike up was strenuous
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Johans pool party

Wow! I think I finally got pictures to publish. This was a friend with a beautiful pool on the edge of the world. ie PLAKIAS. More pictures of the party to follow but hold your breath for Granivosa Pennisula, the most beautiful I have ever seen and then the amazing Samaria Gorge - The longest in Europe

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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Finally learned to load photos to post so tomorrow watch out! Pictures to match posts

Thank you Long John! Love you Frenemy

Saturday, June 5, 2010

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” -- John Muir

The 5 hour River Walk was challenging yet peaceful, an uplifting and exhausting experience. We had "The Lance", a legend in his own mind and son to Iron Mike as our guide. We began on a dusty road and soon came upon the hidden church, The tranquility could be felt by all. We then hiked up to the old mill, natures graffiti of Lance's scribing on the cactus.

The hike became very refreshing as we trod through waste high water and climbed like monkeys up and over cliffs, trees and sometimes discarded remnants of a camp site.

We were rewarded with a beautiful waterfall, cold yet "oniric" ( a dreamy place) The hike out became challenging and at times we were on the edge but we were victorious .

The money shot was when we emerged from the woods after 5 hours and felt like we were in the Sound of Music. A beautiful church, the valley, Plakias and Mirthios surrounding us. After some hydration in the village......."Conserve Water, Drink Wine" we hiked straight down the Olive Grove and returned to the Hostel, beating our chest and feeling invincible!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever. - Jacques Cousteau

Lunch yesterday in Mirthios, a quaint village on the hill overlooking the bay of Plakias, the surrounding olive groves and the historical castle hills. Views, cuisine and company ( Kirby and Long John) were amazing.
Then an amazing journey to the sea, "The Pearl of the Mediterranean". This region of Crete is blessed by Mother Nature and is truly one of the nicest corners of Crete. We took the road less traveled, literally a goat trail. An hour after winding around the Gorges and 7 kilometers past the village of Kerames in the South, we came to the secluded beach of Ligres. It is a long pebbly beach with beautiful rocks and very secluded.
We were escorted back by 350 sheep and the loudest herding dog who mistook our tires for sheep.

Pictures once I figure it out!!!!! They are worth waiting for