Dreaming of.......

Dreaming of.......
my room with a view at YH Plakias

Saturday, June 5, 2010

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” -- John Muir

The 5 hour River Walk was challenging yet peaceful, an uplifting and exhausting experience. We had "The Lance", a legend in his own mind and son to Iron Mike as our guide. We began on a dusty road and soon came upon the hidden church, The tranquility could be felt by all. We then hiked up to the old mill, natures graffiti of Lance's scribing on the cactus.

The hike became very refreshing as we trod through waste high water and climbed like monkeys up and over cliffs, trees and sometimes discarded remnants of a camp site.

We were rewarded with a beautiful waterfall, cold yet "oniric" ( a dreamy place) The hike out became challenging and at times we were on the edge but we were victorious .

The money shot was when we emerged from the woods after 5 hours and felt like we were in the Sound of Music. A beautiful church, the valley, Plakias and Mirthios surrounding us. After some hydration in the village......."Conserve Water, Drink Wine" we hiked straight down the Olive Grove and returned to the Hostel, beating our chest and feeling invincible!

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