Dreaming of.......

Dreaming of.......
my room with a view at YH Plakias

Friday, June 11, 2010

Gramvousa Pennisula

Gramvousa is one of the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen. We drove 3 hours and then the wide road ( for Greece) degenerated to a goat path with a several 100 feet drop. It was only wide enough for one car and a Crete Crete, a goat that is only on Crete!! One of the craziest part of the adventure was the gas tank hit empty 2/3 of the way to the beach and we coasted in neutural. Aside from the bumpy, rocky hazardous road the hike down was breath taking. You could walk across the water in parts and float in the salt marsh.

The remote pennisula was one of the highlights of this trip although the hike up was strenuous
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